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All of this will save a lot of time and effort of students which can be utilized for studying. Social media helps students to collaborate, if they are working together on some group project. This helps them to communicate and exchange information for the project easily, thus saving their energy and commute time that can be utilized for the project work. Students use social media platform such as YouTube, which have millions of educational videos, which help students to broaden their scope of knowledge as well as develop various other good skills and talents.
If students find some good and informative videos related to their studies, they can share it with their friends or classmates who can benefit by watching them. Some of them do not prefer even face-to-face communication with their classmates. Such students find it easy and comfortable to take part in online study discussions on social media. Presently, there are many academic counsellors on social media who can help students to solve their academic problems.
Students also have exposure to contact experts or refer to their blogs in various fields of study using social media, to gain proper information and knowledge for their own field of study. This can help them to gain some real-world and actual knowledge, which will increase their knowledge scope. Students can use social media platform like LinkedIn to search for internships related to their field of study. This can help them gain practical knowledge, which in turn may help in improving their academic performance.
Students can also read various educational blogs which can help to improve their knowledge and thus help their studies. As per Deng and Tavares , social media help students to think clearly and this helps them to make make wise decisions in their day-to-day lives.
As per the study conducted by Apeanti And Danso , students felt that their grades would be better if they can contact professors openly through social media to get their doubts clarified. Traditional learning techniques can interrupt smooth interactions within the class Cotner et al. However, advanced technologies have transformed the way students interact in classes and outside classes, this consist of new choices to enhance interaction.
Aiding interaction is important because it results in better and even more effective learning and might be an essential way to obtain success in education.
Bannan, ; Siau et al. This idea has formerly been one of the greatest pedagogical setbacks within the class, designed for bigger classes and technology-related courses. When interaction is obtained within the learning activity, students are motivated to understand, and also more conscious, participative and more susceptible to changing ideas together with fellow students. Considering conceptual aspect, the idea of integration may be relevant nevertheless the specific ways in which commuting students integrate can vary substantially from students who reside on campus to off campus students, with socio-academic moments as possibly more pivotal for just two-year students Deil-Amen, Of those students, the conventional and the idea of interactions with peers and faculty held more appeal and purpose it performs often and depth of connection.
According to Astin engagement was defined as the quantity of physical and mental energy that a student devotes towards the academic experience. Engagement is seen today as the energy an individual student puts in educational activities which are empirically associated with preferred college final results Kuh, Engagement includes various factors, such as the academic experience with college, interactions with faculty, participation in activities within the class, and interaction with peers.
Students engagement represent both the time and energy students invest in activities objected towards educational purposes Kuh et al. The study further suggests that due to peer group nature influential student can influence other students through the use of social media.
Institutions should therefore take decisive actions to harness and shape this influence so that it is educationally purposeful and helps to reinforce academic performance. There has been wide acceptance and integration of social media into pedagogy in recent years. However, the effectiveness of the social media in improving academic performance in collaborative learning has also been envisaged to have risen substantially.
In addition, collaborative learning using the social media such as Facebook, E-mail, twitter etc. Therefore their novelty effects may mislead thinking that the social media support collaborative learning SSCL outcomes effectively Zoghi et al. Laird and Kuh found that, social media has a significant and positive potential of engaging learners as well impacting on their academic performance. Johnson et al. This implies that learners differ from group to group.
In a situation where you have a serious and active group members it translates to positive outcomes and vice versa. Social media can also be a challenging instructional strategy to incorporate because it attempts to balance the authority of the educator with the active participation of the students. Collaboration through social media supports more of a constructivist approach to learning, where students and educators can work together to co-create understanding of a particular topic, rather than an approach that emphasizes individual contributions Stevens, Apparently there seem to be an enhanced trend among users to embrace the social networking sites particularly at college level.
It appears to possess transformed communication designs even at local level. Palen and Palen et al. Nonetheless, country profile and accessibility to the infrastructure play a vital role in the enhanced usage.
For students, social media is an exciting and captivating tool that has opened doors to a wealth of information, including huge networking opportunities and, above all, convenient access. Students appear to spend a lot of their time on social media.
Thus, incorporating social media into teaching and learning practice and diverting the attention from casual socializing and gaming to social learning could prove to be valuable.
Through a review of the literature, Tess highlighted that the majority of studies on social media usage in higher education classes had reported more positive than negative consequences for students. Students have a positive perception of using social media to enhance teaching and learning activities Balakrishnan et al. Social media use, as well as teachers messaging students, improved relationships and connections between students and staff, leading to improved class attendance and higher rates of completion Callan and Johnston Social media can also facilitate distance learning by providing easier access to subject content in a variety of formats.
Social media platforms also enable students to consult others who have done similar projects or interact with experts across the world. Essentially, education is a social process, and social media enables the process further by allowing students and teachers to interact, engage, and learn without worrying about geographic distance. Social media is also about staying connected.
Having continuous access to online classes and staying connected to lecturers, tutors, and peers facilitates access to information when needed even when the students are away from traditional classrooms.
Teachers use social media platforms with the aim of facilitating the learning process. Social media increases student collaboration and interactivity and enhances interaction between students and teachers Sugimoto et al. Usage of social media for teaching and learning activities has also shown to increase trust between students and teaching staff Ossiansson Social media allows students to voice their opinion freely.
This works in favor of students who are shy and often not confident in expressing their opinion in person. This also implies that introverted students are not disadvantaged. Social media is also a valuable marketing recruitment tool that aids students in the educational decision-making process Galan et al. Social media enables tertiary educational organizations to provide easy access to a variety of information about student life, university events, unit and program offerings, job opportunities, and so forth.
All this information is used by students when they are evaluating study alternatives. According to Hopkins Social media also can transform education much into how the flipped classroom model is making changes. The students are there, and college can use their private social media networks to engage the students better.
Google Apps for Education, as well as Microsoft Office , have elements of a social media platform built into the products they offer in their education plans. Office even offers a full-fledged social network, named Yammer that any educational institution can implement. Other educational products and learning management systems are also incorporating elements of social media into their products. Chugh For learning and teaching, social media is used in a variety of different contexts – language learning, writing development, after-class discussion, synchronous and asynchronous communi-cation, community building and curricular tool.
The use of social media in higher education is changing the nature of the relation-ships of learners and teachers. Social media provides a unique stage for interaction amongst students and teachers and amongst students themselves. Through social media, students find it easy as well as convenient to communicate, access information, and to provide information.
Studies have shown that in the recent years academics have been expanding their social media usage to offer after-hours support for students, deliver and host lectures, dis-seminate information and engage in discussion. With social media, students also become adept at the use of online technologies in learning environments.
Studies have indicated that the use of social media in higher educa-tion has enhanced learning, increased participation and engage-ment, improved content dissemina-tion and improved pedagogy and information sharing. Dollarhide While social media has its positive side, many point to the platform and call out negative features, likening its overuse to an addiction.
Some contest it contributes to inattentiveness, stress, and jealousy. The National Center for Biotechnology Information links heavy social media use to depression. Also, many times, social media may be a conduit for misleading information and falsehoods. Raut, V. Being able to get instant feedback from friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path they may want to pursue.
This means that, when a student gets too involved with the use of social media, it affects his overall academic performance. Many students use social media solely for social networking, chatting and just whiling away their time.
This wastes their study time and thus they are not able to complete their homework, assignments or projects on time. This affects their studies which eventually hampers their GPA. Also, while studying, students keep checking their social media accounts for new updates and notifications.
This distracts them and results in loss of concentration in studies which can affect their academic performance negatively.
It has been observed that social media use is prevalent even during lectures amongst students. As a result, they might miss some important information being shared in the class related to study, assignments or even exams. This can affect their grades negatively. Social media has hampered students writing skills in such a way that they tend to use short forms of words or phrases everywhere.
Use of such short forms in exams or assignments may not be appropriate and can affect their grades negatively. Also, there are many students who only take part in online class or group discussions on social media and do not prefer to have face-to-face communication with their classmates or even professors.
As a result, they may not develop good communication skills and might even lack confidence to interact with their peers or lecturers in the class or in person. As they will not be able to share their viewpoints with others in class or group discussions, they might end up getting lower grades.
Social media addiction poses many health issues. These issues include back pain owing to the use of social media for a very long time in improper or wrong posture, irregular sleep patterns, mood swings, continuous strain for eyes, mental stress and many more. These health issues affect their effectiveness in studying and thus can cause a fall in grades. Also, excessive social media use can lead to various mental health issues amongst students such as anxiety, depression, isolation from real world as well as psychological problems.
These issues can lead to loss of focus towards studies and seriously affect their future. As per Paul, Baker and Cochran , the time spent on social media was dependent on the attention span of the students. They found out that, higher the attention span, lower is the time spent by students on social media.
As per Junco , time spent on Facebook was very strongly negatively related to the overall GPA of the students. As per Mingle and Adams , Likert scale was used to survey the social media effect on grade performance amongst students. A Likert scale is a scale used for research that involves questionnaire.
Out of these students, majority confirmed that the use of social media affected their grades negatively. In addition, 60 That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information. Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or Twitter.
Because of the lack of body signals and other nonverbal cues, like tone and inflection, social networking sites are not an adequate replacement for face-to-face communication.
Students who spend a great deal of time on social networking are less able to effectively communicate in person. The result of the analysis was plotted in a scatter diagram to show a clear view of correlation or relationship between the variables. Social Media and Academic Performance has effect to each other. It only means that when a student gets too involve with the use of Social Media it effects his performance in class activities and overall academic performance.
Khan explore the impact of social networking websites on students. A research questionnaire was designed to determine the factors of social networking websites that have impact on students. Variables identified are age, gender, education, social influence and academic performance. The result of the study shows that Respondents whose Age ranges between 15 to 25 mostly use social networking website, an individual whose age is between15 to 25 generally uses social networking websites for entertainment while Gender analysis shows that male mostly uses social networking websites.
Though social media can increase student learning through student interactions, challenges arise when social media are incorporated into an academic course. The assumption that students are familiar with and agreeable to using certain types of social media can cause educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources or encouragement necessary to support student usage and learning Cole et.
One explanation for this impact is that social media provides too much stimulation and therefore can distract students from completing their coursework Hurt et al. Another reason for this may be that students who spend more time on social media may have difficulty balancing their online activities and their academic preparation. Malaney found that some students in multiple studies in and reported that their grades had suffered as a result of too much time spent on social media.
Banquil et al. As per Kuppuswamy and Shankar explained that the social networks grabs the total attention and concentration of the students and diverts it towards non educational, unethical and inappropriate actions such as useless chatting, time killing by random searching and not doing their jobs. Students and teenagers mostly use social networks for time killing and sake of enjoyment but it has been analyzed that internet use for education purpose and any appropriate task including online tutorials, online lectures and education material downloading is very good but use of internet for only social network is very useless perhaps dangerous.
The effect of SNS usage will depend on the type of SNS the student is using, if student uses the internet for the purpose of leisure activity that interferes with academic, it will affect the student academic performance negatively Egedegbe, According to the study of Tayseer, et al. There are still other researchers who examined this same problem but have found no conclusive data affirming the significant relationship between using social networking and student academic performance AlRahmi and Othman, It also discusses the research design, research instrument, data collection procedure, data processing methods and flowchart of methodology.
The data collected on the study is analyzed and synthesize based on the influences discovered. The researcher then reviews and analyze the different documents found from related researches to acquire the techniques that is included in the study. Flow chart of the methods used in the study. In this figure the researcher identifies the influence of social media to the learners through internet searches, the data collected where discussed and synthesize directly to be able to know the positive and negative influences as well as the effects of social media utilization towards the academic performance of the learners.
It became useful to the learners to announce something and to update themselves on a particular instructions and information. This means that learners can gain more knowledge and improves their skills by just clicking and tapping their screens or by log-in to their social media accounts. It enables to the learners to choose many options not just relying in one references which can make them more confident on their studies. By just looking at themselves at his own works after sharing their own content like posting photos and uploading videos.
In that way they can immediately correct and chance to improve themselves as soon as possible. It opens a wide opportunity to learn and obtain knowledge content. Provides unlimited resources, relevant ideas and generally improves individual to learn effectively. Thus, social media brought a positive outcomes for those who choose to utilize any forms of social media in a wiser way.
The following results of positive influence stated on the table could only be achieve if the learners and users are capable to deal with uncertain adverse effects of social media. It became a destruction when they are too much spending their time on it especially useless chatting, reacting, commenting and making fun during their free time. It happened when they lack of face-to-face social interaction to the real environment. They get loss out of their spare time to spend it to their family, friends and loved ones which can be diverted their attention to online world.
It became a others. One of the example is when someone use it for time killing and to lose boredom then started to chat random people on their contacts. This can loss others focused for something they presently do. People still do not realize how unsafe social networking is and the information put there can access by anyone in some way and used it for harassment and cyberbullying etc.
Bullying behaviors can include sending threatening messages, spreading vicious rumors, personal attack and posting embarrassing pictures which can make person worried about. This can negatively affect the individual learners when they are more getting obsessed in social media utilization by constantly checking their account while losing their time for themselves.
Table 2 as per reviews the study reveals the negative influence of social to the learners. These positive influence includes time wastage, social isolation, remaining under the influence of the thoughts of others, disturbing, lack of privacy, cyberbullying, depression and anxiety, FOMO Fear of missing out and unhealthy sleep patterns. There is no other reason for these following negative influence and the main factor affecting was the challenges on time spend in social media which results the same cause of negative outcome.
It has been analyze that the longer they spend too much on social media platforms could result any of the negative influence given. This authentic information shared by wastes their study time and others. This affects their their confidence and this will help in studies which eventually the learning process. This will help students to negatively.
They do for students to upload their not pay attention to what is homework or assignments on such being taught and told in the study groups. All of this will save a class and instead chat with lot of time and effort of students their friends on social which can be utilized for studying. These health blogs in various fields of study using issues affect their social media, to gain proper effectiveness in studying and information and knowledge for thus can cause a fall in their own field of study.
This can grades. This can help them gain psychological problems. That experiences. Their ability to relationships and connections concentrate on the task at between students and staff, leading hand is significantly reduced to improved class attendance and by the distractions that are higher rates of completion. Having continuous time on social networking access to online classes and staying are less able to effectively connected to lecturers, tutors, and communicate in person.
This much stimulation and works in favor of students who are therefore can distract shy and often not confident in students from completing expressing their opinion in person. Studies have shown that in the recent years academics have been expanding their social media usage to offer after-hours support for students, deliver and host lectures, disseminate information and engage in discussion.
Studies have indicated that the use of social media in higher education has enhanced learning, increased participation and engagement, improved content dissemination and improved pedagogy and information sharing. The major difference of these effects and the influence stated above are explained according to the effects of social media while the teachers and student both utilize the social media for academic learning purpose.
Social media serves as the best and appropriate educational tool in education offers today. Most especially during the COVID-outbreak, teachers should utilize social media as their medium of instruction. They can now reach out and monitors their students and provides learning task, modules, activities and even exams by using facebook and other forms of social media. In this research, the researcher uses systematic review and collected secondary data from internet researches on different documents, scientific journals, academic dissertations, electronic data bases, articles and the rest of the internet.
As result of reviewing the online sources a lot of data has been collected. Uncountable influences of social media and so the effects of social media utilization analyze and examined according to the reviewed literature and study.
For the positive influence of social media directly to the learners includes the influence in communication, announcement, discussion, motivation, resources, enabling restudying and self-evaluation. These influence may occur to any kinds of learners who became an active users of social media. Major negative influences includes high risk of depression, cyberbullying, time wastage, social isolation, disturbance, lack of privacy, FOMO Fear of Missing Out and lastly causes unhealthy sleep patterns.
Enables collaborative learning and encourage student engagement. Improves skills and obtained knowledge and increase participation. Facilitates distance learning and stays connected to lectures, tutors and peers. Builds a good relationship between students and teachers and staff. On the other hand, one major effects of social media causes of too much time spent that directly distracts learners, loses concentration and grabs total attention for learning. It also hampered students writing skills due to typing short form of words.
Poses health issues such as back pain, improper or wrong posture, irregular sleep patterns, mood swing and etc. All these adverse effects of social media utilization can possibly hampers the academic performance of the learners as a result. The only thing that matters in this study is that the result may vary according to how the learners utilized and manage their social media accounts. The learners may set a time limit and manage their usage in social media to avoid adverse effect. Both teacher and students should know the pros and cons of social media.
Researcher suggest to provide tips to overcome the negative influence and effects of social media. Versi Windows yang dipake apa ya? Sebelumnya udah pernah install Office? Iya seperti tulisannya. File setup. Dicoba install aja gan. Ini versi Professional Plus. Jadi include Visio dan Project. Uninstall office lalu hapus permanen Folder office 16 di program file lalu restart. Banyak solusinya. Bisa pake Activator lain.
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